Hello world, Hello Ruixin

Hi, nice to meet you.

About me

Hi there, my name is Ruixin. Click to hear how to say it.

I am currently a software engineer at Capgemini Engineering, Eindhoven based. I have a background Master of Data Science in Engineering at TU Eindhoven, my master's thesis is a data-driven approach for reproducing use scenarios using machine logs. I did my Bachelor of Computer Science at VU Amsterdam.

My colleagues and supervisors describe me as 'the sunshine from the south'. I feel excited when facing unstructured puzzles because I love finding inner links, making connections, and discovering insights from different resources.

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Where have I been to these years...

My experience

Associate software engineer

Capgemini Engineering, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

2023.3-2024.1: Diagnostic approach unification at TNO-ESI

2024.6-now: Python SECS and EDA protocol library at ASML

2022.12 - Now

Data Insights Master Thesis

Philips, Best, The Netherlands

Data-driven approach to clinical log from Philips iXR system.

2022.4 - 2022.10

Data Analyst internship

Unilever Hive, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Analyze the possible reason from recipes for powder caking.

2021.9 - 2021.2

Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Master of Data Science in Engineering

2020.9 - 2022.10

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Bachelor of Computer Science

2017.9 - 2020.7


Nanjing, China

Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology

2016.9 - 2017.6

Something that is interesting at my work

Demonstrative project

Diagnostic, TNO-ESI

Key contribution:
• Shared model specification: Collaborated closely with the team for operational diagnostics and design4diagnostics projects to develop a unified model specification to create a standardized JSON schema.
• Transformation from/to two projects: Developed a RESTful API using Python flask and Java Jakarta for the transformation process from JSON schema from/to the original format(python and DSL) for the unified visualization of the model created by researchers.
• Front-end UI development: Created the design and development of the system model editor UI by Typescript and React.js. This UI package is served to Canon

Process mining, Philips Healthcare

Given an event log from a human-computer interaction system, how can the efficiency of the traditional user behavior study be improved by an integrated representation of information in temporal and spatial dimensions?

Data analysis/Machine learning, Unilever Hive (Food Innovation Center)

Analyze the relationship between ingredient inclusion level and lump formation by making connections between historical consumers' complaints and the product recipes.

Data visualization, TU Eindhoven

This is done by a group of 3 persons. It is an interactive tool to provide a visualization for shop owners and policymakers to show the spread and the influence of COVID-19 in a supermarket.

Data visualization, TU Eindhoven

This is done by a group of 3 persons. An interactive tool is built to visualize the COVID-19 data in South Korea. With this tool, users can have multiple views about the evolution of the virus, and carry on exploratory analysis using the interactions with ease.

Data-enabled design, TU Eindhoven

This is done by a group of 3 persons. This project discusses the potential relationship between sound, flavor, and emotion; how crispy sound intervenes in people's choice of snack, and whether sound intervention can help relieve mental stress.

This is my life outside my job

Fun facts about me

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